About Us:
Who We Are & What We Do
Welcome to the Friends of Lumpkin County Library
Friends of Lumpkin County Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit with the mission to support, promote, and advocate for Lumpkin County Library through the participation of our diverse community and its leaders. We are an all-volunteer organization.
Friends of Lumpkin County Library provide assistance and support where needed to help the county library and staff. Our members are caring individuals who share the vision of a superior free public library accessible by all.
Through the money raised by memberships, donations, our Year of Chocolate fundraiser and sponsorships, we help provide needed volunteers and financial assistance for special programs for our county library that serves thousands of Lumpkin residents. All of Friends of the Library fundraising is for items over and above the county budgeted funds. Here is just a sample of what the Lumpkin Friends of the Library has done in the past years.
Advocated and fundraised for our beautiful new library facility.
Raised $3,500 with our annual Year of Chocolate fundraiser to support special guests and prizes for the Summer Reading Program
Sponsored genealogy and other speakers, programs and author events at the library.
Financially supported the library for the purchase of items such as a new digital camera, bean bag chairs for the children's area and other library wish list items.
Raised community awareness of the many people that the library serves- It's not just a place to store books!
Hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Event to thank the year-round library volunteers who help shelve books and assist the librarians.
Friends of Lumpkin County Library meet quarterly and our meetings are open to both current members and the general public. Won't you consider buying a membership today and join us in our support of our Lumpkin County Library?

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Our Lumpkin County Public Library